What The BLOG is going on

hey everyone, i actually don't know if anyone will read this but what the heck its still fun to write...

its seems like everyone is an expert on life and islamic matters these days, and who better than "aalia" (link on right hand side), our most trusted source, right?

u know there is just no saving this girl, she continues to lie and lie and lie, may be she should have never surfaced back into the PUBLIC blogging world. She probably came back because no one was giving her enough attention at her so called PRIVATE blog

okay so now that i've got your attention, you'll probably think i'm writing this because i'm obsessed or jealous or what the f u want to think, your brain is your brain and you can go ahead and think whatever you want, but the truth of the matter is this girl pisses me off. she lies and lies and all of you believe her but that's okay because the truth is out there and its bound to come and bite her in the ssa some day. Oh what a day it will be.

this girl thinks she can write crap and get away with it, i don't think so. so i've decided to make it my mission to ummmmm, counter act, if you will, her every post-well not every post, just the ones that annoy me, until she makes this stupid blog of hers private and then i will be at peace, because what will be hidden from me will not piss me off.

this is for pure entertainment but 100% FREE OF LIES--Guaranteed...and sure some or may be most of her so called loyal fans will probably say, "oh you need to get a life or what you don't have anything better to do or you are probably a couch potato who wears cheap-looking cloths ordered online or from walmart," LMAO

catch ya later