its seems like everyone is an expert on life and islamic matters these days, and who better than "aalia" (link on right hand side), our most
u know there is just no saving this girl, she continues to lie and lie and lie, may be she should have never surfaced back into the PUBLIC blogging world. She probably came back because no one was giving her enough attention at her so called PRIVATE blog
okay so now that i've got your attention, you'll probably think i'm writing this because i'm obsessed or jealous or what the f u want to think, your brain is your brain and you can go ahead and think whatever you want, but the truth of the matter is this girl pisses me off. she lies and lies and all of you believe her but that's okay because the truth is out there and its bound to come and bite her in the ssa some day. Oh what a day it will be.
this girl thinks she can write crap and get away with it, i don't think so. so i've decided to make it my mission to ummmmm, counter act, if you will, her every post-well not every post, just the ones that annoy me, until she makes this stupid blog of hers private and then i will be at peace, because what will be hidden from me will not piss me off.
this is for pure entertainment but 100% FREE OF LIES--Guaranteed...and sure some or may be most of her so called loyal fans will probably say, "oh you need to get a life or what you don't have anything better to do or you are probably a couch potato who wears cheap-looking cloths ordered online or from walmart," LMAO
catch ya later
I feel really sorry for you. You're a sad & pathetic little person. It's so obvious you're incredibly jealous of her. It keeps you up at night just thinking about her doesn't it? Maybe you've just got a big 'ol lesbian crush on her and it pisses you off you'll never have her so you write a blog that proves how much you stalk her blog just to write about it yourself.
Seriously, do you look at yourself in the mirror and actually believe the crap that you say? You're trying to help her?? Um I think she has made it obvious she doesn't need/want your help so I think that's your que to just go the hell away. But I guess you can't take a hint...
This blog is only a lame attempt at being internet famous as the person who exposed all of "Aalia's lies". LOL Good luck with that. What the hell is there to lie about, for real? She's just a normal person, living her life. Since when is it any of your damn business what she or others do? Why don't you just worry about yourself??
@ LOL at you trying to say you're not some couch potato loser. You're in denial honey. Who takes the time to stalk a person who they dont like's blog and then blog about her posts because they "piss you off"?? People with no life like you. If she bothers you that much, don't read her blog. It's that simple.
I think you have a mental problem, you might want to get that checked out :)
When I am in B.C. very soon I will personally advise the Sister to contact police. What you are doing by THREATENING and INTIMIDATION is illegal and there are laws against it.Your behavior is not normal and I fear for Aalia's safety. And just so you dont think I am another clueless convert, I know exactly who you are and what your up to. Just wait until this all comes back to bite YOU in the ass.
@AMAL ... lol @ big ol' lesbian crush on her
yo seriously...... what youre doing is kind of creepy take a step back and look at it. You have a blog dedicated to exposing your so called friend. Just re-read that.
LOL @ big ol' lesbian crush on her.
whoever is behind this blog should really thank Allah swt, Aalia hasn't decided to pursue her for stalking, slander, intimidation, pain and suffering from this blogger's obssession (ip tracking, having her lawyer friend write a subpoena to blogger and have the information released). In the end though I think Aalia has an even better case with Allah swt.
Every minute spent on worrying what the heck Aalia is doing is another minute taken from the worship of Allah swt. Not to mention that she may be even giving her good deeds to Aalia. BURN! That alone keeps me from backbiting and slandering people. my deeds are my deeds hunny bunny, GET YO OWN!
By calling her a liar, you're wasting your time and image dear! You should plan a post before posting it. Because there is something you must know, but you're unable to convey it. And you seem to me like you're a male. Women are so good at propaganda, you aren't.
She is a liar I know her (but do not talk to her anymore) she lied so much in our friendship and spread many lies. Pretty much everything out of her mouth is a lie. Its easy to believe someone is this or that online sure many people do it and fall for it and you all do not know her only what she wants you to know so you fall for it. Your giving her the benefit of the doubt thats great but when other good sisters advise you on the evils of another sister (sinner) then listen. She nots pray and scholars say that makes you not even a Muslim! She commits so many acts of zina your head will spin haram! Her main goal in life is MEN trying to find as many as she can to get what she wants at that given time.
Aalia is really a sweet sweet person and maybe you all should consider that she is suffering from a psychological condition that makes her need to lie about her life to others. Her lies are not evil or vindictive in that she lies to cause problems between people. Whether it be attention seeking, or a way to cope with pain from childhood, her lies are only about her own life.
To anybody who reads this filth; I came here from the recomnding of Miss Aalia D herself she says to me if I need a laugh, here is the place to go to so here I be!
Now unlike the empty names and anonymous comments left here, I have known this beautiful lady for almost FIVE years. In fact I live in the same city as her in the Kingdom of Saudi. I can safely say none of you fuckers have ever even been in the same room as her so maybe instead of WISHING you knew her, go outside and get a tan. Shit. If I ever know who is behind this blog I would shoot 'em myself and don't think I won't.
What I read here is very sad but on the other hand it's good to find out that there are still some decent people on this dunyah..Alhamdulillah.
I feel very sad and sorry for the person who wrote atrocious things about Aalia my dearest Sister. Note that I am not here to defend or praise Aalia but only to raise my concern in regards to the statements made and to just bring forward what is the TRUTH.
Subhanallah I noticed that despite you (adressing to Anonymous, tia and the first blogger...) showcase your piousness and fear for Allah, it does not reflect at all in your writing.
We all make mistake and as you stated Aalia made mistakes too but I would say that this is one of YOUR mistake that you made and you should rush to ask for forgiveness from Allah SWT. The opportunity couldn't be any better as we are now in the most important 10 days of worship (10 days of dhul Hija). Sometimes due to lack of knowledge,education, can ignorantly act as such but note this is not a light sin, this is considered to be a MAJOR sin!!
You need to educate yourself about slandering and backbiting and its consequences from an Islamic Perspective and trust me you will think twice before writing your first letter next time.
But as I said we all make mistakes and seeking forgiveness from Allah is what you should do but before you should come forward and ask forgiveness from the person you have harmed, slander or backbite only then will Allah forgive you. So come forward, release your name and ask her for forgiveness with intention of not repeating it.
You don't have to publicly do that, as it seems that you know everything about Aalia I am sure that you must have a contact email or phone number that you can do it or if not then you have no alternative than to do it on the blog itself and bear in mind that there is no shame to that but mostly this will show how a great of a person you are and will gain the respect of others Insha Allah.......
....The reason why I am classifying this as a cruel act is because I am one of the few people closest to Aalia who knows her too well and Subhanallah everything mentioned is except a lie. I am her big Sister in Islam and we have shared too many things together for me to acknowledge what your saying is real. NO!!!! For all those who have read the insulting comments about Aalia...THIS IS JUST A MISTAKE OR MAY BE JEALOUSY AT A MOMENT WHEN SHAYTAN GOT CAUGHT OF THIS PERSON.
Aalia is one of the most wonderful person I know and I ask Allah to keep our friendship everlasting and to reunite us in Jannah.
As any other existing being we all have issues, we all faced a moment or a time where we lied, we all had a time where we took some wrong decisions but this doesn't make all us liars/ bitches or prostitutes and being constantly judged by others, Who are we to judge our fellow sisters??? Why can't we forgive and love when Allah the greatest forgives even the prostitute just because she fed the dog!! you must all have heard about this authentic story right?
So however big or small our mistakes, as a good muslim we should hide each others mistakes and try our best to help each other. This is proper etiquette. Also Allah mentioned for those who hides the mistakes and sins of others, Allah will hide his.
My Sister Aalia is just a wonderful sister and I can tell you that this girl... and I witnessed it... that she does perform her salah and not only the fard one but she also does Qiyam al layl when she can.
I know that there are some people who have problem with her straightforwardness but this is indeed a great quality. She has no grey color in her approach!
She has the biggest heart and is generous and is kind and will give her life for those she cares and loves and she dislikes hypocrisy and abusive attitude and manners. She went through real tough times and these were only test from Allah swt and her patience was enormous and her faith was deep though she suffered a lot each and every day. Despite this fact she always has the brightest smile Masha Allah!
Wallah i have so much good to say about this Girl and may Allah protect her. I will stop here or else you will have to read a whole book:)
Everything good I said is from Allah and whatever is bad is from me and MAy Allah swt forgive me if i mentioned bad things and may Allah swt protect and bless my Dear Sis Aalia and her adorable Son AlI.
May Allah guide all of us on the sir at ul Mustaqeem.
May Allah protect us from revealing the fault of others publicly and sees the good that other person possess.
May Allah give us a forgiving heart so that we can have our sins forgiven by the almighty.
May Allah give us taqwa and the right islamic understanding and knowledge for us to act accordingly.
May Allah grant Sr, Aalia the best in this dunyah and in the Akhirah.
My reply is for TIA. If you really knew this girl you would be able to tell us that she is agoraphobic and never goes outside without at least TWO people which were Muslim WOMEN. I should know becuase I lived near her in Surrey B.C. I'm also surprised why anybody would target A.? Is that Abdallah who is making this site? I'm shocked well no wait I'm PISSED at the fact that these lies are being spread about my friend. Give us your name and address mister site owner hm ;)
If this is Abdallah you should thank Allah that A didn't make her own site with pictures of your medical transformation lol nice nose ;)
هههههههههههه يا حقير
Why is father for Rakan's facebook dp PHOTOSHOPPED hhhhhhhhhhhh and so bad too!!!
I heared this Rakan guy Abo Nawaf have aids or sth is that real
I ask rakan one time for us to go in Canada because really it was so near to the US ,,,he said 'no i cant' when i asked why he said 'i just cant',,,ks omh alk4aaab why is he liar to all of us!
When I see Rakan am not going to say "BO NAWF" an going to say "BO ALI" lol
To tia
I agree with you 100%
I just commented on one of her posts and I bet she won't post it because she knows I speak the truth and she cannot confront it and therefore she won't post it
Finally people are coming forth to speak the truth about her.
Every word that she utters is tainted with S%&@
Salaam alaykom wrehmatullah. My name is Aisha and I live near this person and been her friend. Everything said here is one hundred percent CRAP except by the actual friends of Um A. See I wont even say her name here because it doesn't belong on such a filthy place like this. I think who ever made this site up is obsessed with Um A. and the anonymous ones calling her a liar and bad names are just those who got burned by her. I waited a long time for Um A. herself to say something about this site but it obviously doesn't bother her because she knows that WE know it's all lies and a pitiful attempt to discredit a beautiful Moslim woman. So here is what I know about this person:if there was a convert mafia then I am positive Um A. would be the boss lol! She is very smart about people and I have seen her do things not many of us can do. That is why we go to her when we have problems or need advice pertaining to a subject not many know about. Majority of her friends are like me, converts to Islaam but she has a few from different places. The only people she doesn't trust are 2nd-gen Arabs and I know why: don't go to the mosque in Victoria British Columbia unless you want to be faced by them and their goofy politics. These types of people hate people like Um A. because she is strong and can do whatever she likes lol that's why I admire her so much. In fact that's why the worldwide convert community know her name and story so I am very confused why this web-site is trying to discredit someone who we already know about from personal stories? Did you know she has done so much for the New Moslimah Programs across Canada but never talks about it? Or that she has opened her home to converts who are in need, teaching us the un-tainted reality of Deen al Islaam and organizes parties 'just because'? Those are the real Um A. and just because maybe some of you were snuffed by her or not invited for what ever reasons this is the only way you can try to get back at her. Really pathetic and who ever is making this stuff up, we are all laughing at you lol. Really, get a life and if you are positively sure you know Um A,do tell us who you really are. You haven't and you never will because this is just junk written by a jealous freaktard (: -Sincerely Aisha someone proud to know Um A.
i like reading her blogs. she is sincere. but why her friends compare her mistakes to a prostitute of the book that she helped a dog.? nice friend..not., and a friend said she helped open her home to needy people. i remember she was needy and down because of a difficult situation and didnt have a home of her own, and really never did until she was with a man, so where is her home to open.some friends can make you look bad and dont even know it..secret envy. and who cares of her mistakes. no such thing as perfection. and maybe she had a miserable childhood and that can ppurge lies but beauty can get you through it. so that is what makes a person jealous of her. she can stand on a street and get any man she wants. every mans burning desire and every womans envy. go alia. your royal cuteness of the ksa. i hope you get famous one day!
Everybody in the free world knows the one who made up this slander stuff is "Alixianna" Crystal Normandeau other wise known as "Pixie" from HowToLiveLikeAnOmaniLoserWho'SWholeBlogAreMadeUpFantasies. Maybe the syphillus she caught sleeping around in Muscat made her brain delusional and deranged. Or could it be a bug-bite that causes psychosis from the African jungles while she was saving victims of war? Oh wait never mind that never happened.
Everybody in the free world knows the one who made up this slander stuff is "Alixianna" Crystal Normandeau other wise known as "Pixie" from HowToLiveLikeAnOmaniLoserWho'SWholeBlogAreMadeUpFantasies. Maybe the syphillus she caught sleeping around in Muscat made her brain delusional and deranged. Or could it be a bug-bite that causes psychosis from the African jungles while she was saving victims of war? Oh wait never mind that never happened.
Everybody in the free world knows the one who made up this slander stuff is "Alixianna" Crystal Normandeau other wise known as "Pixie" from HowToLiveLikeAnOmaniLoserWho'SWholeBlogAreMadeUpFantasies. Maybe the syphillus she caught sleeping around in Muscat made her brain delusional and deranged. Or could it be a bug-bite that causes psychosis from the African jungles while she was saving victims of war? Oh wait never mind that never happened.
Everybody in the free world knows the one who made up this slander stuff is "Alixianna" Crystal Normandeau other wise known as "Pixie" from HowToLiveLikeAnOmaniLoserWho'SWholeBlogAreMadeUpFantasies. Maybe the syphillus she caught sleeping around in Muscat made her brain delusional and deranged. Or could it be a bug-bite that causes psychosis from the African jungles while she was saving victims of war? Oh wait never mind that never happened.
Gee I wonder if I didnt have so much stuff to do that one day I will make up a blog about you Crystal the girl nobody remembers from Sooke, British Columbia. Seems you like to take part in such activities so let me know if you want all of your own dirty laundry dryed up in public. Beginning with how you never grew up in Oman,or was a southern "bell" or even stepped foot in Africa. How you knew Swahili was from the Swahili-English dictionary you bought for $7 at a used book store here in Victoria. Remember when you used a South African accent saying you were from Ladysmith and the person who was really from South Africa asked which area? I can keep going and going on and on but wait the really good stuff is how you call other Sisters' HUSBANDS! And Scot was never really your "milk brother" you just didnt want to wear a scarf in front of him so you told the Muslim girls you knew that he was.
What else..........Your "older brother" was never ambushed during Apartheid in South Africa while your mother watched being dragged down the street behind a car. Why anyone would come up with such a sick story is beyond me! You were never raped by African rebels which you claimed to the Imam's wife for sympathy. You did not perform free dental care on orphans of war. You did not save a bunch of African women being sold to a sheik. All of these wonderful stories you told to us all here in Victoria but you sit back and call Sister Alia a liar. We all have had enough and dont bother coming back here. You ruin peoples lives who are happier than you to cover up the fact that your bull shit blog about living in a big yellow villa and being Omani is all made up. This BLOG is prime example of your jealousy and envy. Oh yes and Ahmad Hamado never asked you for marriage his sister found out what a snake you are and told the community so you had to come up with another lie to defame her.
What else..........Your "older brother" was never ambushed during Apartheid in South Africa while your mother watched being dragged down the street behind a car. Why anyone would come up with such a sick story is beyond me! You were never raped by African rebels which you claimed to the Imam's wife for sympathy. You did not perform free dental care on orphans of war. You did not save a bunch of African women being sold to a sheik. All of these wonderful stories you told to us all here in Victoria but you sit back and call Sister Alia a liar. We all have had enough and dont bother coming back here. You ruin peoples lives who are happier than you to cover up the fact that your bull shit blog about living in a big yellow villa and being Omani is all made up. This BLOG is prime example of your jealousy and envy. Oh yes and Ahmad Hamado never asked you for marriage his sister found out what a snake you are and told the community so you had to come up with another lie to defame her.
We all knew who did this:
This is Alix aka Pixie. I live in Oman, have applied for OMani passport, you are the deranged one. My Omani inlaws consider me Omani but I am not OMani under law and didn't claim to be???? My daughter is, and one other OPN girl is... but, lo, WTH at your comment.
While I am no longer friends with Aalia, I never wrote this blog, don't own it, would erase your comment if I did.
I don't support this blog, I think it is a load of crap.
I don't know WHO the author is, but it isn't me, and while I now no longer like Aalia, I wrote what I didn't like about her, and what I do like about her, to her, in an email.
Ask her.
What you have in your comment is so much stuff you don't really know what you're talking about it annoys me. You know some things, but not really. I wish you'd just ask me. I don't like people hating me, but if you would rather just remain ignorant of real reasons FOR anything, go ahead.
Email me at the OPNO girl blog opnoprincess @ hotmail. com. We can talk if you want me to explain ANYTHING--- but my life, being connected with others, I won't blog or comment on your slander about other people in order to do that.
I promise, if you want phone calls from the other OPNO girls, I can arrange that as well, give me your cell, but don't you dare post my legal name on the internet next to such garbage and be all coward and anonymous.
The truth is eager for the light and I am not afraid of any of it. Ask me. I am an open person. But be a person first.
And for what you said, I can actually take you to court here in Oman. It is criminal offense to write what you have about anyone expat or citizen in Oman.
For the record: I never called Aalia a liar, I didn't try to save her, I didn't write this gargabge blog, just commented on it to tell the blog's author to judge themselves not her.
If you are mad at me, don't try to put other people's sins ( this blog) on me.
If Aalia reads this: I still don't know who wrote this. You said it is not Iman, I now know it is not Sara, and I know it isn't me, so if it is your ex or even yourself to cause drama, I don't know, I don't care. I just don't want to be inolved with these dramatic anonymous losers anymore and they seem to stalk you and take everything you say to heart... I don't have time for any of you.
Anything to do with me, write me.
Peace out (not that you sisters seem to WANT peace but hey)
And for what you said, I can actually take you to court here in Oman. It is criminal offense to write what you have about anyone expat or citizen in Oman.END OF QUOTE yes please do so I can see my friend take your lying ass to court. And your not a citizen not even close since your marriage to a OMANI is not even recognized by their court. Your daughter doesnt even have an Omani passport like you told the rest of us on Facebook! Anyone can see that because who in their mind leaves behind a small child with a stranger while they go overseas? Unless they cant take her because she has no passport. Just one more example of your far-fetched lies. Hundreds more to go. So yes go ahead dear also who am I? Im the one who first warned Alia and everybody waaaaaaaay back that this was you but she couldnt believe me but now we ALL know your schemes.
Hey ass wipe, please update me on my own life so I can read what other kind of "secrets" you know about me hahaha ;-) I guess life in Victoria is super boring without me... your life is meaningless too without me, apparently.
Exposing the true nature of things and helping my friends said...: You know half truths about me from someone who wasn't really my friend (Lindsay). My daughter has a passport, I didn't take her because it was my really late honeymoon. I left my daughter with her nanny and if Lindsay hadn't been staying there as well, I would have left my daughter with my mother-in-law. It isn't weird to take a trip for a week without a child. I don't know why that is weird to you. I took her to Al Ain zoo (ask if you know people on my facebook). You need a passport for that. And anways, any Omani man by law, his kids become citizens, that's only hard for Omani women. I got my permission for marriage after Lindsay left, ask Maymunah if you don't believe me. I didn't lie though why that seems to matter to you I don't know. I don't care if Aalia has residency or not like weirdos on this blog. I know for a fact she is in KSA though, her kids too, except one in UAE. Why that matters to people means they are involved in othe rppl's business.
And if you want to use my real name go ahead but use your's as well.
OKay so I finally got to reading this. A bit of a stretch to the truth so let me put another perspective. I know Alia. We have the same friends in our circles but her name is not Alia, that is the only untruth. We both lI've in Saudi Due to the fact our spouses are from here. This whole thing is completely uncalled for and makes me think that the person who wrote this is a man. Either that or a insanely jealous female. Were you one of those poor souls rejected by her? Or a former girlfriend who she no longer associates with? Seems so! Scrolling down the comments I noticed most of the shit written was slut shaming. If she was indeed a slut then it would be a different story except that to be one you must have slept with multiple partners. Common sense tells you so. Common sense also tells you that a person who uses napkins to open doors and hold restaurant utensiles is not going to jump in the sack with a complete stranger. I visited her in the hospital once and she was wearing tissue boxes under her thongs. Since this is all coming from an unknown source that begs the question of whether or not the author truly knows Alia. If you are reading this you can contact me and I will be more than happy "spill" all of the juicy secrets I know about her. Ah but wait. There are none I guess because she is a regular person like the rest of us. I'm on her Facebook as I type this and there are no attention seeking photos or hey look at me. Feel she is not into showing off on the Web; so why dedicate a wholé site to her?
look at all these ass kissers hhhhhhhhhhhhh
she doent have a visa / she snuck in and was there illegaly. maybe now wasta ? oh and what do we call her ? alia ? not any more. rebeka? no now she is riri like rihanna
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