To Save or Not To Save

to the followers of "chasing jannah"....

this blog was not made to humiliate or embarrass Aalia, instead to help save her from herself. As Aalia's friend I want her to succeed in this life and the hereafter, but most importantly in the latter. Almost every Muslim goes through phases of strong and weak faiths. However, there are limits a Muslim must never cross, no matter how weak their faith may be. Before I get into the heart of the matter, let me assure you that I'm not posting this to hurt Aalia or make her feel bad, or even judge Aalia. I know that she's been through quite a lot in the past year or so, and because of all this she has lost her way and needs help not just from her friends here, where she currently lives, but from all her loyal followers/subscribers. Aalia has dug a huge hole and we all need to work with her to help her get out. For quite sometime now, I've been contemplating whether to make this blog or not, because I'm worried about how it will be perceived by those who read it. Allah willing this post will be seen for what it really is; a way to reach out to Aalia. Some of you might be wondering why a blog was made just for Aalia. Well, I could have posted a comment on "Chasing Jannah" but Aalia would never publish it because as you all know she moderates her site.

I would like to begin by saying that not everything Aalia posts is true, and I know that because she's my friend and I see her and know what happens and what doesn't happen. I don't know about every little thing she does and doesn't do but some of the posts on the blog have not been true. All I can say is that Aalia has not been truthful about what she's been up to, and what she's been up to is quite displeasing to Allah. I won't post what she's done and continue to do because Muslims never expose the sins of other fellow Muslims, but all I will say is please you have to help her by advising her, and fast. None of us know when we will be leaving this world, and I would hate for Aalia to leave this world on the path she's currently on. I know that in the past she's received help from some of her followers, and I detest it when someone receives help from others when that person has not been truthful with others. Abu Dhabi had a traumatic effect on Aalia but even before Abu Dhabi some of her posts were never 100% true, but that's besides the point. Before, her faith was strong and now its not just weak it almost gone. I really hate to say that someones faith is almost gone but there is no other way for me to describe the state she's in. She won't listen to her friends but may be she'll listen to her fellow bloggers/followers/subscribers. I hope she does, and if she reads this I hope she doesn't feel betrayed or hurt but happy that someone really wants what's best for her in this life and the hereafter.


Anonymous said...

This is very childish. Grow up, worry about yourself, and most all, SAVE YOUR SELF!

Omani Princess (not Omani...yet) said...

If you are Aalia's friend in real life, why not invite her over for tea and cake and talk it out? I mean really talk it out. You don't need a blog for that, not an anonymous one.

When Pixie had something to say to Aalia and they only hashed it via blog she didn't do so anonymously. Aalia knows who Pixie is, and even then, that didn't help either girl in their lives, now really, did it?

I honestly feel any blog followers of mine who I don't know in IRL are not the same as someone concerned for me in real life.

If your concern is real, don't be an anonymous poster speaking to people who have nothing "REALLY" to do with Aalia. Speak to Aalia. She may delete you comment or not, and so that is your nasiha (reward for you, questions from Allah for her if you are right). But this blog seems kind of wrong. And won't be taken the right way by anyone, even friends of Aalia that want her to get her life back on track.

Desert Housewife A. (The Canadian in Jubail) said...
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Desert Housewife A. (The Canadian in Jubail) said...
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Desert Housewife A. (The Canadian in Jubail) said...
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Fatima Jane said...

who are you? is this pixie... this is too wierd!
I like Aalia. She is going through a bad time. Maybe her iman is weak, but I think if you force the issue of "getting back onthe path" we may just push her away.

Let's just stick with her, and be there to pick her up when she falls. Like I do with my toddler, who won't listen to me when I try to warn her of danger.. she falls, cries and I'm there just to comfort her. She learns the hard way. And so will Aalia.

Sometimes a step in the wrong direction is what is needed to come full circle back to faith, back to Allah.

Aalia if you are reading this, know that I think of you always.. and only wish for your happiness - whatever that may be.

Omani Princess (not Omani...yet) said...

Candy Olive: ask Aalia, this blog does not belong to Pixie who I know IRL. Aalia and Pixie love eachother like sisters. If Pixie [or Boxie] had something to say to Aalia, they can write her. Or write it on their own blogz, not anonymously.

Saving Aalia: This is not constructive. If you want to help Aalia pray for her or give her nasiha in her home ect.

What her blog followers think isn't important really. Aalia will listen to her own heart before any followers. This blog is not a post to change a heart. It feels more like you care about what others think of Aalia, more than helping her.

Kim said...

Bismillah wa salatu wa salam ala Rasool Allah.

First salam alaikum.. thats how muslims greet one another..and if ur muslim as u say then u need to start u post with such adab ul islam (manners of islam.) my years of knowing Aalia she has been a strong mashaAllah woman who can stand people talking to her face about something she may have done or said to someone and she will accept peoples advice BUT this post is a joke.

Now i tell you why i dont like this blog/post you have made and i suggest that you check your level of iman and taqwa also inshaAllah.
Prophet Mohammed peace be upon him ad rules and manners about correcting peoples mistakes according to the person themself and their personality..this is something you have not done..instead you have created this blog/post and said she has done sins and not told the whole truth.. srry but in the islam i have studied for numerous years this is called "Geebah/backbiting" and it is forbidden in the deen ul islam.

Prophet Mohammed pbuh said when someone point their finger at anothers mistakes, they have 3 mistakes of their own that they need to correct. Why do i say this you wonder ? Because you have said something about Aalia which is back biting and so you must have mistakes of your own.

If your an honest decent muslim or muslima who loves your sister in deel for the sake of Allah i request you remove this blog/post and get a grip on your own life before trying to hurt and point fingers at others.

I can talk for myself and say im not perfect and i shouldnt point now u talk for urself and remove this post and post something about yourself.

Maybe Allahu alim you will learn from this nasihah im giving you feesibillah & make you rethink about how you talk to your friends. And be mature, let it be known who you are if you really are one of her good friends outside of the cyber world.

I for one will not sit back and watch someone degrade my little sister in islam who doesnt have hatred or malice in her heart for people.

AsghfirRubbich ou Rubbik. Taubah Allah wa Itaq Allah katheer.

Kim said...
Prophet Mohammed method of correcting peoples mistakes.
Please read this and understand the hikmah of nasihah inshaAllah.

The Mujahada in Prada said...

aSalaam uAlaikum...

I had much to say to you, but (as usual) UmmQ has read my mind and said it all....much better than I ever could. Alhamdulillah for sisers like her.

I don't know Aalia as "well" as some may know her, but I do know this: however "well intentioned" this blog may have started out, I can think of absolutely no way that it will "help" her from an Islamic viewpoint, or strictly logical one.
If you truly wanted to help your friend then you should offer du'a, which every Muslim knows is our best weapon.
Aalia may have made some mistakes...but we all do, that is part of human life. And every single mistake we make is for a reason and was written by Allah swt thousands of years before we were even born. So, for the mistakes Aalia has made ALHAMDULILLAH....for the trials she has endured ALHAMDULILLAH...for the TRUE friends she has in her corner ALHAMDULILLAH...I admire her for her strength, her courage, her honesty, her grace, and her strong character. She is my sister in Islam, and I am truly offended and shocked that anyone would make a blog such as this one to "help" her.
Allah Ma'ak

Hamid said...

salamunalaikum sis.

Helping hands are better than clapping hands.
whoever helps creation, will be helped by the creator.

may Allah drown you in his mercy.A'meen

Omani Princess (not Omani...yet) said...

Hamid: agreed.

Sis Saving: take down this blog. It doesn't do anything to "help" Aalia.

Um Qahtan: well said.

Saving: Want to make a blog about me? I likely need saving too. We all do. May Allah grant us mercy and guide us.

Empress Anisa said...

Making this person whomever she/he may be feel bad by trying to degrade them will not help the cause... whether you know Aalia or "real life" or not.
Sister/brother/whomever, Allah knows your intentions and if Aalia has said truth or falsehood in prior posts, this is between her and Allah.... she as well as us all, must answer for ALL that we do.
I personally feel if you don't plan on "exposing" any of her sins, then what is blog for??? What could you possibly write about??? So as her friend or enemy or both, just let it go and as previously mentioned, see if you can sit her down and talk to her. If she's beyond the point of listening, then just pray to Allah and make dua for her.... as a friend, that's all you can do.
I implore you to make sure your intention(s) for this blog was to help her not hurt her further as you must Allah as well for this... if you are in fact trying to help her, may Allah reward you for your actions.... and if this site was to hurt her, fear Allah and His wrath against you. NONE of us are perfect so if you did something not pleasing to Allah in regards to this, don't post anything else and seek His forgiveness....

Empress Anisa said...

P.S. From a "real sister" viewpoint, Candy Olive got it right!!! Aalia need people like her in her corner......

Mrs. Cullen said...

Aww. There are other ways to be there for people than like this. Be nice to your friend and be there for her. Even if you don't think this is public humiliation, she probably thinks so. Would you want someone to do this to you?

Anyway, if you truly care for your friend, talk to her personally. Revealing the sins of others is worse than doing them. So, please don't harm yourself or your friend.

Aurangzeb said...

Women can be very deceiving! I can understand that. I don't know about Aalia. Her Internet Image is something may be her real image is something totally else. All we can do is pray for her. And advise her to be a little unbiased in her thinking. (But that's no less than a joke because it's very hard for women to be unbiased).

As she says that she lost her baby after divorce because (in whatever the country) a child belongs to father? A child should belong to a father because a mother alone can't take care of a child but a father can. So there is no injustice in that.

The time you write your post, you seem to be angry, or in a hurry, that's why, you are unable to fully convey your message. Please be patient. Say what you have to say. Rather than just saying, "aalia is a liar" again and again. That wont do any help neither to us nor to aalia.


Anonymous said...

shame on you

Anonymous said...

yes i totally agree with u blog maker, i have tried to help aalia soo much and her compolsive lying got into the way ... she had told me she had a residency in saudi arabia .. * it takes a very very very long time to get one* and i had asked how and started asking alot of other questions and then she said noo she didnt have a residency she has a visa so i had asked to see it cause i was curious how it looked since i will be going to saudi soon inshalllah ... and then she said she doesnt have it she has the passport like really women make up ur mind , she knew i had caught her in a lie and she got emberassed and erased me from BBM . i truley believe the guy who she says is the father of her child isnt i believe she has him mixed up with someone else .. she is blaming this poor boy rakan of doing something he hasnt done ... i am a mother of a saudi baby as well and sooo are some of my fellow friends and the dads will not go out of there way to get plastic surgery on his face and change his apperance ... who the hell does that .. this woman needs help and needs to seek allah and pray because lying isnt the way to go ....

tia said...

That beitch is evil she tries to act rich and like a good Muslim but I know personally shes poor and not really a Muslim she just is after an Arab to take care of her. I feel so sorry for her.

Anonymous said...

Aalia is really a sweet sweet person and maybe you all should consider that she is suffering from a psychological condition that makes her need to lie about her life to others. Her lies are not evil or vindictive in that she lies to cause problems between people. Whether it be attention seeking, or a way to cope with pain from childhood, her lies are only about her own life.

Desert Housewife A. (The Canadian in Jubail) said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Is she really LIVING in KSA ???

Stranger said...

To anybody who reads this filth; I came here from the recomnding of Miss Aalia D herself she says to me if I need a laugh, here is the place to go to so here I be!

Now unlike the empty names and anonymous comments left here, I have known this beautiful lady for almost FIVE years. In fact I live in the same city as her in the Kingdom of Saudi. I can safely say none of you fuckers have ever even been in the same room as her so maybe instead of WISHING you knew her, go outside and get a tan. Shit. If I ever know who is behind this blog I would shoot 'em myself and don't think I won't.

And as for the anonymous bitch at 12:29am don't worry babe we all already know about you. You got yourself quite a name over here as the bar-star chick who slept with Mr. AIDS and then tried to blackmail his ass into getting back with you! What the hell is wrong with you girl? Don't you got some damn sense in your obsessed little mind? You are the puta from Texas who tried to go after Rakan because Aalia wouldn't help get you a Saudi visa, right? I guess she saw right through you so I guess you hadda go after that shithead. He he I bet you are just wondering how I knew about that well hunny Saudi Arabia is a small country and my husband knows Rakan's buddies in the U.S. he told all of them how you tried to get with him on facebook. My advice is stop chasing Saudis and get someone from your own trashy background.
One last thing: don't show your face in the EP because we don't affiliate with skanks or carriers of the HIV virus. Well actually good luck trying to get in here unless you trick another poor bastard into getting you pregnant, blackmailing his ass and photoshopping another marriage contract.

Your's truly a Stranger in Khobar

Anonymous said...

Aalia you rock girl lol everybody loves you where I'm at so pleez ignore the lies on this site. Hey mister site owner can you tell us where you live now;)

nayef said...

If she's such a slut why did she quit the job we worked together at for $3000 a moth !!! Oh I know because why she didn't like all those cheap saoodi guy looking at her !!! Tell me how she is a bitch then ????

Desert Housewife A. (The Canadian in Jubail) said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

listen ummm (so many names i'd like to call u) umm-self-absorbed-egotistical creature

if you lie
thinking you're so sly
we will try
to think why,
you would lie
and then reply
to make you decry
your lie

We all know who did this said...

Everybody in the free world knows the one who made up this slander stuff is "Alixianna" Crystal Normandeau other wise known as "Pixie" from HowToLiveLikeAnOmaniLoserWho'SWholeBlogAreMadeUpFantasies. Maybe the syphillus she caught sleeping around in Muscat made her brain delusional and deranged. Or could it be a bug-bite that causes psychosis from the African jungles while she was saving victims of war? Oh wait never mind that never happened.

We all know who did this said...

What else..........Your "older brother" was never ambushed during Apartheid in South Africa while your mother watched being dragged down the street behind a car. Why anyone would come up with such a sick story is beyond me! You were never raped by African rebels which you claimed to the Imam's wife for sympathy. You did not perform free dental care on orphans of war. You did not save a bunch of African women being sold to a sheik. All of these wonderful stories you told to us all here in Victoria but you sit back and call Sister Alia a liar. We all have had enough and dont bother coming back here. You ruin peoples lives who are happier than you to cover up the fact that your bull shit blog about living in a big yellow villa and being Omani is all made up. This BLOG is prime example of your jealousy and envy. Oh yes and Ahmad Hamado never asked you for marriage his sister found out what a snake you are and told the community so you had to come up with another lie to defame her.

Omani Princess (not Omani...yet) said...

We all knew who did this:

This is Alix aka Pixie. I live in Oman, have applied for OMani passport, you are the deranged one. My Omani inlaws consider me Omani but I am not OMani under law and didn't claim to be???? My daughter is, and one other OPN girl is... but, lo, WTH at your comment.

While I am no longer friends with Aalia, I never wrote this blog, don't own it, would erase your comment if I did.

I don't support this blog, I think it is a load of crap.

I don't know WHO the author is, but it isn't me, and while I now no longer like Aalia, I wrote what I didn't like about her, and what I do like about her, to her, in an email.

Ask her.

What you have in your comment is so much stuff you don't really know what you're talking about it annoys me. You know some things, but not really. I wish you'd just ask me. I don't like people hating me, but if you would rather just remain ignorant of real reasons FOR anything, go ahead.

Email me at the OPNO girl blog opnoprincess @ hotmail. com. We can talk if you want me to explain ANYTHING--- but my life, being connected with others, I won't blog or comment on your slander about other people in order to do that.

I promise, if you want phone calls from the other OPNO girls, I can arrange that as well, give me your cell, but don't you dare post my legal name on the internet next to such garbage and be all coward and anonymous.

The truth is eager for the light and I am not afraid of any of it. Ask me. I am an open person. But be a person first.

And for what you said, I can actually take you to court here in Oman. It is criminal offense to write what you have about anyone expat or citizen in Oman.

For the record: I never called Aalia a liar, I didn't try to save her, I didn't write this gargabge blog, just commented on it to tell the blog's author to judge themselves not her.

If you are mad at me, don't try to put other people's sins ( this blog) on me.

If Aalia reads this: I still don't know who wrote this. You said it is not Iman, I now know it is not Sara, and I know it isn't me, so if it is your ex or even yourself to cause drama, I don't know, I don't care. I just don't want to be inolved with these dramatic anonymous losers anymore and they seem to stalk you and take everything you say to heart... I don't have time for any of you.


Anything to do with me, write me.

Peace out (not that you sisters seem to WANT peace but hey)